Saturday, August 11, 2012

Three Elegant Fendi Watches Showed in Basle

There are a lot of famous and luxury watches in the world. Especially the Swiss watch. Swiss watch makers are so talented for their high technique. Here three Fendi watches are made in Swiss. The senior fashion brand Fendi has taken new watches to the Basle international watches show. It is a famous for leather product. Now Fendi leather watch band combined with the Swiss watch is perfect. Crazy carats The new Crazy Carats is special for its "torsive diamond watch dial” . The 12 torsive diamonds like 12 naughty children. It seems they can do anything what they want on the watch dial. The children can change their roles. The 12 hour-marks are inlaid with the 12 torsive diamonds. In the middle of the watch dial, the VVS level jewelry is outstanding and shining. The Rome number in the watch dial is rowed by diamonds. This makes the watch a little pert and a shy. All these can show the elegant of the owner. Selleria Selleria series watch is fantastic. On the edge of the watch, there is a round of track like have been thread by needle. This makes the watch like a leather cycle. The watch likes a leather bracelet. It is a perfect combination of ornament and watch which get the effect of throw two birds with one stone. The black leather band makes the watch more elegant. Chameleon Chameleon series is furnished with an oblong watch case. The watch case is a little arc. Added the red and long watch band the watch is so elegant and beautiful. On the watch dial the delicate hands can point to two bright hour-marks. The 6- hour-mark and the 12- hour-mark are inlaid with two echo diamonds. The watch is a little luxury and a little simple. It is utterly worth your choose. Swiss watches are famous for their Swiss watches makers’ talented high TC.


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